The Pros and Cons of Pre-Written Essays: When to Use Them and When to Avoid

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There are many times when it is a good idea to use a pre-written essay. Maybe you are short on time, or maybe you don’t feel confident about your writing skills. However, there are also times when using a pre-written essay is not the best idea. Here we will discuss the pros and cons of using pre-written essays so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not they are right for you.

✍️ What are pre-written essays?

Pre-written essays are exactly what they sound like – essays that have already been written on a variety of topics and are available for purchase online. You simply choose the essay you want, pay for it, and receive it via email or download. It’s as simple as that.

💸 Why do students buy pre-written essays?

There are a few reasons why students might choose to buy pre-written essays:

  1. The most common reason is lack of time. If you have an upcoming deadline and know that you won’t be able to write the essay on your own, buying one can save you a lot of stress.
  2. Another common reason is lack of confidence. Some students don’t feel confident in their writing skills and worry that they will get a low grade if they write the essay themselves. In these cases, buying an essay can give them the peace of mind of knowing that they have a good essay to hand in, even if it isn’t entirely their own work.
  3. Lastly, some students simply don’t like writing essays. If this is the case for you, then buying an essay can be a good way to avoid having to do something that you don’t enjoy. It should be noted that you should only buy essays from the best paper writing services.
why do students buy ore written essays

When is a pre-written essay a good idea?

There are a few different situations when using a pre-written essay can be a good idea:

  • ✅ If you are short on time, then a pre-written essay can be a lifesaver. Maybe you have an upcoming deadline and just don’t have the time to write the essay yourself. In this case, buying an essay can give you the time you need to get your work done.
  • ✅ If you don’t feel confident about your writing skills, then using a pre-written essay can also be a good idea. Maybe you’re not sure about how to structure your thoughts or how to make your argument convincing. In these cases, it can be helpful to read an essay that has already been written and see how it is put together. This can give you some ideas about how to structure your essay.
  • ✅ If you are in a situation where you need an essay quickly or you don’t feel confident about your writing skills, then using a pre-written essay can be a good solution.

When to avoid pre-written college essays?

However, there are also some situations when using a pre-written essay is not the best idea. Let’s take a look at those now.

  • ❌ One situation when you might not want to use a pre-written essay is if the topic is very specific. Maybe you have been assigned a topic that is very niche and you know that it would be difficult to find an essay that covers exactly what you need. In this case, it might be better to write the essay yourself or to find a tutor who can help you with it.
  • ❌ Another situation when you might not want to use a pre-written essay is if you are required to do original research. Maybe your assignment is to write about a new topic that nobody has written about before. In this case, it would be impossible to find a pre-written essay that covers the same material, so you would need to write the essay yourself.
  • ❌ If the topic of your essay is very specific or if you are required to do original research, then using a pre-written essay is probably not the best idea.

🔎 Where to find quality pre-written essays?

If you have decided that using a pre-written essay is the right solution for you, then the next step is to find a quality essay. There are a few different places you can look for pre-written essays.

  1. One option is to search for them online. Many websites sell essays on a variety of topics. You can usually find a good selection of essays to choose from, and they are often reasonably priced. However, it is important to be careful when buying essays online, as there are also many scams out there. Make sure you do your research before purchasing an essay from any website.
  2. Another option is to ask around at your local college or university. There might be students who have already written essays on the topics you need and would be willing to sell them to you. This can be a good option, as you will know that the essay is of high quality and it will already be on the topic you need. However, it can also be more expensive than buying an essay online.
  3. There are a few different places where you can find pre-written essays. You can buy them online, or ask around at your local college or university. Just make sure you do your research before purchasing an essay from any source.

📈 Algorithm for finding a website with quality pre-written papers

Choose the topic of your essay

The first step is to choose the topic of your essay. Make sure you choose a topic that is specific enough that you will be able to find a quality pre-written essay on it, but not so specific that you won’t be able to find anything at all.

Google websites that offer essays samples

The second step is to Google websites that offer essay samples. Many different websites sell essays, so you should be able to find a good selection of them.

Some things to keep in mind when looking for websites:

  • Make sure the website looks professional
  • Look for reviews of the website online
  • Make sure the website offers a money-back guarantee

Once you have found a few potential websites, it’s time to do some more research.

Make sure you read the reviews of the website before buying anything. There are many scams out there, so you want to make sure you’re not getting ripped off. It’s also important to make sure that the website offers a money-back guarantee in case you’re not satisfied with the essay.

If you’re happy with the website and the reviews, then it’s time to make a purchase. Choose the essay you want and add it to your cart. Once you have made your purchase, you will be able to download the essay and use it for your purposes.

Just remember, when using a pre-written essay, make sure you choose a quality one from a reputable source. This way, you can be sure that it will meet your needs and help you get the grade you want.

Are you satisfied with the price?

The cost of pre-written essays can vary depending on a few factors. The most important factor is the quality of the essay. If you want a high-quality essay, then you should expect to pay more for it. However, if you’re just looking for a basic essay that will get the job done, then you can probably find something cheaper.

Another factor that can affect the price is the topic of the essay. If the topic is very specific, then it might be more expensive than an essay on a general topic. This is because it will be harder to find a pre-written essay on a specific topic.

Finally, the length of the essay can also affect the price. A longer essay will usually cost more than a shorter one. This is because it takes more time to write a longer essay.

In general, you can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $200 for a quality pre-written essay. The exact price will depend on the factors mentioned above.

Don’t forget a plagiarism report

When you buy a pre-written essay, make sure you also get a plagiarism report. This report will show you how much of the essay is plagiarized and where it came from. This is important because you don’t want to turn in an essay that’s full of plagiarism. Plagiarism can get you into a lot of trouble, so it’s best to avoid it altogether.

A quality pre-written essay should cost between $20 and $200. Don’t forget to also get a plagiarism report to ensure that your essay is original. With these tips in mind, you should be able to find a great pre-written essay that will help you get the grade you want.

📌 And finally, let’s list the advantages and disadvantages of pre-written essays

pros and cons of pre written essays

The pros are:

  • Cheap price. The cost of pre-written essays is usually much cheaper than the cost of custom essays. This is because the essay has already been written and doesn’t need to be created from scratch.
  • Time saving. If you’re short on time and need to get an essay done quickly, then a pre-written essay can be a lifesaver.
  • The ability to choose exactly what you need. When you buy a pre-written essay, you can choose exactly what you need. This means that if you only need a certain section of an essay, you can just buy that section. You don’t have to buy the whole essay.

The cons are:

  • ⛔️ Plagiarism. One of the biggest cons of pre-written essays is that there is a risk of plagiarism. This is because the essay has already been written and published online. If you’re not careful, you could end up with an essay that’s full of plagiarism. This is why it’s so important to get a plagiarism report when you buy a pre-written essay.
  • ⛔️ Poor essay quality. Another con is that the quality of pre-written essays can be poor. This is because they’re not custom-made for you. They’re just generic essays that have been written for someone else. This means that the essay might not meet your specific needs and requirements.
  • ⛔️ No guarantees such as money back or revisions. Another con is that there are usually no guarantees with pre-written essays. This means that if you’re not satisfied with the essay, you might not be able to get your money back.
  • ⛔️ The risk of getting caught by the scammers. There are also a lot of scams out there. You could end up paying for an essay that’s full of plagiarism or that’s of poor quality. This is why it’s so important to do your research before you buy a pre-written essay. Only buy from a reputable source.
  • ⛔️ You can’t always find the topic you need. Another con is that you might not be able to find the exact topic you need. This is because pre-written essays are usually on general topics.

So is it better to order custom essays?

In general, yes. Custom essays are usually of better quality and they don’t have the risk of plagiarism. However, they’re also more expensive. But it should be noted that quality always comes at a price. And if you want to get a quality paper from professional writers, we advise you to choose only legal essay writing services.

It’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding whether or not to use a pre-written essay. Consider your needs and budget before making a decision.

If you do decide to use a pre-written essay, make sure you get a plagiarism report to ensure that it’s original.
